
Spring Cleaning the KonMarie Way


Last year I was smitten by the teachings of tidying guru Marie Kondo and I’m not the only one. KonMarie (nickname) is an international phenomenon and if you haven’t heard of her by now you’re in for a treat.

I started my tidying journey based on KonMarie’s principles last October. After reading her manga book even my husband was convinced.

I wasn’t completely faithful to KonMarie’s step- by step approach. I couldn’t dump my entire wardrobe on the floor to sort in one day as she recommends in her book, The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up   because depending on the season, at any one time, half of my wardrobe is stored away in a unit in the basement.

As I mentioned my husband, Vaughn, is into it too. His sock drawer is now neatly arranged with everything folded into thirds and standing at attention. KonMarie correctly states that we can get more in our drawers when the vertical space is maximized, plus you can see what you’ve got. It’s not buried underneath other stuff, sadly forgotten.

Here’s our kitchen spring cleaning before and after photos. Vaughn is great with the storage drawer! As KonMarie recommends haul everything out and determine if it “sparks joy” and then place it back, or discard / recycle.



We also emptied out our kitchen pantry / hall closet:


Here’s the after, removed my winter coats and jackets so now our closet has space and breathing room (you have to read KonMarie to get this!)


As my parents always said, “A place for everything and everything in its place!”


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